Proposal for a project to be exhibited at the Porto Design Biennale
2023, the central theme of which was water.
What if the river could speak? This is the question that the architect
Pietro Dallera and I have explored in this project. What would it tell
about itself, and what about us? The river's gentle caress shapes
the land, carving valleys and canyons, a testament to its persistent
quest for freedom. It mirrors the ebb and flow of human emotions, a
reflection of our own journeys through time.
Although water always meant life, our society shifted this meaning to
a prerogative of pure technology. Infrastructure is relegated to
different, self-contained spaces, it conforms according to the rule of
efficiency: hidden where it can be hidden, in sight when it cannot be
done otherwise. In this scenario, infrastructure moves away from
context, place, traditions and people, becoming mainly an issue to be
managed: the aim is to deliver a 'de-materialized' resource.
The project aims to give voice to the Douro River in order to allow it
to express its being. If in fact water already speaks to us with the
recent events that have upset Emilia Romagna in Italy, humans do not
seem to want to listen. By giving nature a voice, perhaps this could
change, finally.
The extreme flexibility of Arduino makes possible to give rise to a
system capable of reading even complex data directly and reliably. A
few sensors placed in a buoy in the middle of the river may be
sufficient to understand the state of the water. Among these is the
TDS meter. The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) sensor can read the
chemical concentrations of a water sample with good sensitivity. These
concentrations are usually compared in a table showing the values to
determine whether the water analysed is drinkable or not, but this is
not the use we would make of it. Rather, we would use the TDS data -
combined with temperature sensor and oscilloscope data - in relation
to external databases. By means of a simple Machine Learning
algorithm, it is thus possible to find the logic of associating the
database data with the data collected by the on-site sensors, and thus
allow us to self-determine by prediction the condition of the river.
The experience was thought to have a before, a during and an after. In
the before, the sensors would be used to collect data from the river,
in order to give awareness to the nature element.
In the during part, the project would be be activated on the inaugural
day of the Biennale and can potentially last till the end (from the
19th of October to the December the 3rd). In this period of time,
users could find along the course of the river 5 different places
where the buoy where placed. On the levees at them, call-to-actions
provided access to a web app capable of translating the data collected
by the buoy into a narrative. Specifically, a positive narrative if
the data were good, and a negative, plaintive one if, on the other
hand, humans were suppressing the river's needs.
Following the closure of the Biennale - so the moment of the after -
we would like to collect the conversations whose authors have given
their consent to share, abstract them and realise both a digital and
physical archival project. This could take shape in an online archive
and a publishing project, which would make the conversations with the
Douro the starting point for reflection even for those who have not
had the opportunity to interact with them first-hand.
Though River Echoes was not selected for the Porto Design Biennale,
the project offered a meaningful exploration of the intersection
between technology, ecology, and design. By conceptualizing a way for
the Douro River to “speak,” the project highlighted the pressing need
to rethink humanity’s relationship with natural resources, urging us
to see them as active entities rather than passive commodities.
The process of developing River Echoes provided an invaluable
opportunity to experiment with new technologies and approaches to
environmental storytelling. It stands as a testament to speculative
design’s potential to provoke thought, inspire connection, and
encourage more empathetic relationships with the natural world.